2.16pm BST

It’s also important to keep in mind that much of the spending proposed by Senate Republicans comes from unused coronavirus relief funds.

Joe Biden and his team have indicated they are not at all pleased with the idea of redirecting coronavirus relief money to infrastructure.

2.11pm BST

Shelley Moore Capito said Senate Republicans’ latest $928 billion infrastructure offer is “sticking with the core elements of infrastructure”.

The Republican negotiators have consistently clashed with Joe Biden over how to define infrastructure as it relates to items that will be included in this massive bill.

2.07pm BST

Senate Republicans are now formally introducing their counteroffer to Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan at a press conference on Capitol Hill.

The Republican negotiating team, led by Senator Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, is calling for spending $928 billion over eight years to strengthen America’s infrastructure systems.

1.51pm BST

Greetings from Washington, live blog readers.

Senate Republicans will soon hold a press conference on Capitol Hill to introduce their latest counteroffer to Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan.

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