DC police chief says ahead of inauguration protests ‘there are people intent on coming to our city armed’

Washington DC has mobilised the National Guard to help police planned protests by Donald Trump supporters in the lead-up to the congressional vote affirming Joe Biden’s election victory this week.

Amid fears of violence, Washington’s chief of police and mayor have issued warnings that the carrying of firearms to the protests is illegal and urged residents to avoid the areas where far right groups, including the Proud Boys, are planning to gather.

Related: Enrique Tarrio, leader of rightwing Proud Boys, arrested ahead of rallies

Let me tell you why I WILL carry my Glock to Congress.

Government does NOT get to tell me or my constituents how we are allowed to keep our families safe.

I promise to always stand strong for our 2nd Amendment rights.https://t.co/E75tYpdN4B pic.twitter.com/qg7QGenrNo

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