The hysteria over voter fraud has reached an alarming pitch – and this dangerous moment in US democracy wouldn’t be possible without the work of these men

One night in late February 2017, Hans von Spakovsky, a lawyer at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative thinktank in Washington DC, fired off an email.

The White House was creating a commission to investigate voter fraud, an issue von Spakovsky had long pursued. But he was concerned the Trump administration was considering Democrats and moderate Republicans for the panel, and “astonished” no one had bothered to consult with him or J Christian Adams, a friend and fellow conservative lawyer.

There has been an extreme element on the right who have pushed a false narrative of widespread fraud for a long time

Armed with their misleading data, these men have influenced and shaped laws making it harder to vote

It’s been pointed out many times how their data analyses are wrong. It seems like they just hope no one will notice

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