Trump is the first non-incumbent Republican to win in both Iowa and New Hampshire. The others never had a chance

On Tuesday night, Donald Trump emerged the winner of New Hampshire’s Republican primary and presumptive Republican presidential nominee, handily defeating Nikki Haley. He is the first non-incumbent Republican to win both Iowa and New Hampshire. South Carolina’s contest next month and those that follow are formalities on the road to coronation.

The Republican party belongs to him. “It has to be Trump as long as … he can fog a mirror,” Steve Bannon told Jonathan Karl of ABC News. Haley has pledged to remain in the race, but the fall campaign has begun. As the polls closed in New Hampshire, the Biden White House announced a campaign shakeup. This is not a well-oiled machine.

Lloyd Green is an attorney in New York and served in the US Department of Justice from 1990 to 1992

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